by Wildwood Outdoor Living | Feb 5, 2023 | Monthly Gardening Tips
Welcome to a new year in the garden! If you’re like us, you must be itching to use all the gifts you got for the garden this year. But who says you have to wait until the spring to get growing? In this week’s blog, we’re here to share everything we can think of to get you all caught up on your gardening to-do’s so that you can dig right in when the soil is warm and ready!
Lawn & Pond

What lawn? The one buried under four feet of snow, or the one soaking up the mud?! Alright, chances are there is little you can do for your lawn in the month of January.. So why not learn a few handy tips for growing the green grass on your side of the fence? Here are a few of our favourite green-grass tips for the 2023 growing season and some important things to do for your pond this month.
Understand your lawn’s lifecycle! The government of Canada has a great article available to help you better understand your lawn, so you can to the root of any issue! Check it out here. |
Before it’s too late, protect animals and insects that help your lawn flourish by reducing insecticide and fungicide use. Only apply when necessary. |
While the snow melts away, look for puddles in your lawn and mark them as areas that need proper drainage for when the soil warms up. |
Instead of applying seed after seed in high traffic-areas, consider how your lawn might look with patio stones or mulch instead. |
To be the first on the list, try scheduling any necessary pond maintenance, such as cleaning now before the waiting list leaves you last in line. |
If you run your pond pump during the winter, raise it onto a ledge in the pond to recirculate only the top layer of water. |
Watch water levels, as ice can cause overflow and cause damage to surrounding fixtures or plants. |
There are two key elements to helping your pond fish survive the winter. The first is to ensure your fish don’t freeze, and the second is to ensure they’re getting adequate oxygen. To do this, you’re going to want to have a Pond Aerator or Aqua Jet Pump. Both will create a more stable environment for your fish by increasing air circulation, preventing your pond from freezing and providing your fish with the oxygen they need to survive while preventing unwanted gas build-up. |
Add cold-water beneficial bacteria. |
If keeping your pond running during the winter, add pond de-icer. |
Due to their natural ability to hibernate, you must not feed your fish during winter. Their bodies adapt to survive such cold temperatures by lowering their metabolisms and using their energy to stay moving instead of digesting. Feeding your fish during this process will likely cause damage or death by choking or toxicity. |
If your pond is already frozen, do not break the ice. Breaking into a frozen pond could be deadly for fish, either by striking them or stunning them from the vibrations. |
To prevent damage, turn off any water fixtures like waterfalls. |
Plants & More!

If you’re an indoor grower, we suspect you might have collected a few extra companions to keep you company over the winter months. If not, that’s okay too. January can be a great time to planning, purchasing, sowing and even indoor ponding. Below we’ve detailed a few of our favourite things to do for January when it comes to plants—looking to try something new and exciting? See what our President Gord Nickel has to share in the Check News segment ‘Indoor Fountains and Peace Lily Plants’ below.
Pre-orders for vines are now open! Be the first to pick your favourite vine plants before they’re gone! Don’t forget to check out all the new varieties for 2023! |
Looking to try something new this year? You’re in luck! January is the busiest month for us in the seed department. With hundreds of need seeds trickling in each week. They’re ready to order and ship here! |
Spring Bulbs and Fruits are ready for pre-orders! Lilies, Dahlias, Berries, Kiwis, Strawberries and much more! |
If you can’t tell, January is a great time to plan your garden. If you haven’t already, we recommend planning out your space so that you don’t over shop, or under-plan! Whether you’re a balcony gardener or have your own yard, the more efficient you can be with your space, the more plants you can plan for! |
For indoor plants, be sure to do your research on whether your plants water requirements. Check their soil often to see if the indoor heat is drying them out too much, if so re-locate to a more humid room. If placed near a window, check for frost bite and consider relocating. |
Remove heavy snow fall from branches as the weight can cause damage which will invite unwanted pests and disease. |
Continue composting—everything you save now with warm up in no time in the spring. |
Keep feeding birds to help them during harsh winters. |
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by Wildwood Outdoor Living | Dec 6, 2022 | Gardening 101
With winter in full bloom, you can be sure to find holiday reminders around every corner. Of course, one of our favourite reminders that the holidays have arrived is the endless variations of Poinsettia blooms! From your home to the dentist’s office and everywhere in between. Poinsettias have made their way into the holiday hall of fame, and we’re here to share everything there is to know about them in this week’s blog, Poinsettias 101. Watch as President Gord Nickel shares a beautiful variety of Poinsettias for the holiday season.
About Poinsettias

Known for their excellent winter performance, Poinsettias are not native to snowy winters like we may think they are. Poinsettias are tropical plants that can be found in Mexico, growing up to 10 feet tall! When grown as an indoor plant, our Dark Canadian winters force Poinsettias into bloom, making them perfect indoor plants for us during the holiday season.
Belonging to the Eurphobia family, Poinsettias are relatives to a few familiar plants such as Crown of Thorns, African Milk Trees, Donkey Tail Spurge, Milkweed, Pencil Cactus, Casper Spurge and Matted Sandmat.

Though they may seem like giant flower blooms, the leaves that resemble flower petals on Poinsettias are ‘Bracts’. These bracts can change colour according to the plant’s light exposure. With over one hundred different varieties, Poinsettias can be found in various shades of pink, yellow, white, green, multi-colour or even blue or purple! Though, not all colours are natural and can sometimes be painted on.
Did you know?

Pointsettia sap can cause dermatitis on skin contact. When handling Pointsettias, it’s best always to wear gloves to prevent irritations. You might have heard that Poinsettias are highly-toxic for pets and children. Not to worry, Poinsettias are not lethal. If your pet or child has ingested parts of a Poinsettia, they may experience a mild stomachache or skin irritations.
Poinsettia Care
Ready to take home a Poinsettia of your own? Check out the latest episode of Get Up and Grow with President Gord Nickel to learn everything you need to keep your Poinsettia happy this season. Plus, check out all the cool varieties we offer in store!
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by Wildwood Outdoor Living | Nov 28, 2022 | Monthly Gardening Tips
December?! When did that happen? Well, folks, whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just getting started, December can be a busier month than you might expect. After all, preparing for your best growing season yet takes plenty of work and preparation. That’s why in this week’s blog, we’re here to share a handy to-do list to keep you busy this December.
Lawn & Pond

If you run your pond pump during the winter, raise it on to a ledge in the pond to recirculate only the top layer of water. |
Watch water levels, as ice can cause overflow and cause damage to surrounding fixtures or plants. |
There are two key elements when it comes to helping your pond fish survive the winter. The first is to ensure your fish don’t freeze and the second is to ensure they’re getting adequate oxygen. To do this, you’re going to want to have a Pond Aerator or Aqua Jet Pump. Both will create a more stable environment for your fish by increasing air circulation which will prevent your pond from freezing and provide your fish with the oxygen they need to survive while preventing unwanted gas build-up. |
Add cold-water beneficial bacteria. |
If keeping your pond running during the winter, add pond de-icer. |
Due to their natural ability to hibernate, you must not feed your fish during the winter months. To survive such cold temperatures their bodies adapt by lowering their metabolisms and using their energy to stay moving, instead of digesting. Feeding your fish during this process is likely to cause damage or death by choking or toxicity. |
If your pond is already frozen, do not break the ice. Breaking into a frozen pond could be deadly for fish either by striking them or stunning them from the vibrations. |
To prevent damages, turn off any water fixtures like waterfalls. |

Try growing popular varieties of indoor forcing bulbs are Paper White Narcissus, Amaryllis & Prepared Hyacinth! They need approximately seven weeks to bloom. |
Watch for the first Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) blossoms outdoor and Chinese witch hazel (Hamamelis Mollis) branches can be brought indoors for fragrant blooms. |
Poinsettia care: Remember the 3 M’s. Moderate bright light, moderate watering and moderate temperature. Avoid access to hot or cold areas. |
Protect fragile plants by staking, wrapping and mulching. Such as dahlias, trees, azaleas and rhododendrons. |
With proper care, a real Christmas tree should last 5 weeks or longer, making the first week of December the perfect time to put up a real Christmas tree. Remember to water the root ball and spray the branches with “wilt proof” to prevent excess drying. If the weather is severely cold after Christmas, acclimatize the tree by hardening off in stages. |
Do not cut holly while the weather is freezing. This will make the berries black. Fresh evergreen boughs can be cut anytime to maintain a fresh supply indoors. Spruce, balsam and cedar boughs will last the longest. |
The best selection of spring bulbs is available now. Wildwood Outdoor Living has the largest selection around, online and in-store! Be sure to plan out your garden ahead of your visit to make sure you have the right growing conditions for your bulb choices. |

Clear gutters of all debris to prevent damage and ensure proper drainage for spring. |
Keep feeding birds to help them during harsh winters. |
Continue composting, everything you save now with warm up in no time in the spring. |
Remove heavy snow fall from branches as the weight can cause damage which will invite unwanted pests and disease. |
Looking for more to do this December? Check out the latest episode of Get Up and Grow with our President, Gord Nickel for a little bit of indoor inspiration, below.
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by Wildwood Outdoor Living | Nov 23, 2022 | How To Grow
The colder it gets outside, the more time we get to take care of our indoor plants! – Is one way for us gardeners to look at it. If you are already counting down the days until spring, it’s time to try something new to keep you busy this winter. In this week’s blog, we’re here to teach you everything there is to learn about growing your own succulents. Plus, follow along as our President Gord Nickel shows us exactly how he does it himself.
What are Succulents?
plants that enjoy sunny, warm climates with very little moisture. Increasingly popular, you might notice them in various intriguing shapes and colours with leaves that swell with stored water. Succulents are native to desert areas such as North and South Africa but can also be found in some rainforested and mountainous regions.
Popular Succulents
Aloe Vera |
Burro’s Tail |
Hens-and-Chicks |
Pincushion Cactus |
Living Stone |
Zebra Cactus |
How To Grow Succulents
To grow your succulents, you can choose from two popular methods. Below we’ve detailed everything you need to succeed, including a quick and easy video with our President, Gord Nickel.
If you or someone you know has a succulent, look for tiny droplets of leaves that might have shed from the plant and collect these leaves to propagate your succulent. Or, just cut a few leaves off the host plant, and place them in well-draining soil (just lightly on top of the soil) somewhere sunny to dry out completely while it establishes shoots. Once roots have been established, you’re ready to gently press them into the soil further and water sparingly.
If no leaves have dropped, you can carefully remove “pups” or “hens” from the mother plant for use. If using the small pups or hens, you can directly plant these into well-draining soil (cactus or succulent soil is best). Place them in direct sunlight and wait a day until providing them with water sparingly.
TIP: Pups and hens are another way to say ‘plant babies! Look for mini-succulents surrounding the host plant for re-planting.
Create your own Succulent Display
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by Wildwood Outdoor Living | Nov 22, 2022 | Top 5 in The Garden
It’s 2022, and sustainable gardening is a crucial way to save your money and your plants too! In this week’s blog, we’re here to share the top five important reasons to start your own compost bin from scratch! Plus, follow along as our President Gord Nickel Shows Hannah Lepine the perfect way to start your compost bin at home!
1.) Enriches Soil
Growing your own supply of compost is the best way to retain as many nutrients as possible in soil without using chemicals and providing your plants with a rich collection of micronutrients, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen! While your scraps decay, they create good bacteria and fungi, which work to block unwanted pathogens from infecting your soil.
2.) Retains Moisture
One of the best reasons to grow your own compost is its ability to retain moisture. Though each compost is different, the ability to hold moisture is entirely up to you and what you feed your own compost. However, due high impact of nutrients and microbiomes, composts can retain water for longer, which will also help your plants to establish good healthy roots!
3.) Prevents Disease
Though you can’t expect to add compost to a dying plant to save it immediately, you can expect to prevent a vast amount of disease when growing from compost. The build-up of microbiomes creates a more significant amount of microbes which work together to fight pathogens—reducing unwanted diseases from infecting your plants so that they can grow big and strong!
4.) Reduces Waste
As you’ll learn from Gord, compost bins are great for putting waste to good use. Like food scraps that are returned to the earth after decomposing, yard waste can also feed your compost. Think of all the space you’re saving by breaking down matter and returning it to the planet instead of taking up space in landfills.
5.) Reduces Costs
Why buy the cow if the milk is free? Not only have you got the most out of your money when you put your scraps to good use, but when you compost, you’re cutting down on annual gardening supplies. Think of the money you’ll save on soil, fertilizer and even water year after year!
How To Start A Compost Bin
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