Summer is almost here and we are feeling the joy of blooms! We could do with a bit more warmth though, but it’s getting better day-by-day and that’s all that matters. It’s time to get the most out of your June garden, so grab your gardening tools and check off our handy list of to-do’s this month! Get growing and have some fun!
Plant early-maturing vegetables like Tomatoes, Beans, Peppers and Squash to get an early harvest.
Give your summer salads a flavor boost by planting herbs like basil and cilantro. Don’t forget to pinch off the flower buds to get more flavorful leaves.
Brighten up any garden by planting Cosmos, Marigolds, Zinnias, Nasturtiums, Morning Glory and Sunflowers.
To protect from insects and diseases, it’s important to pick up any fallen fruits or vegetables. This will help reduce their spread and ensure a healthy crop.
Plant cucumbers, edamame, different types of squash such as summer and winter, pumpkins, beets, carrots, chard, melons and scallions from seed is possible.
If you’re looking to begin planting winter crops, consider starting them indoors like Cabbage, Leeks, Chard, and Parsnips. This is a great way to ensure that they will be well taken care of and thrive come colder months.
Covering your sprawling vegetables, like melons and squash, with mulch will ensure they stay clean and dry by avoiding contact with dampened soil.
To ensure more blossoms come about in the next spring, prune Wisteria side shoots back to a length of 20 cm.
It is essential to remember to water containers regularly- once every two days, for instance. Window boxes, vessels suspended from the ceiling, and those located under overhangs and eaves may need to be watered daily.
After the spring-flowering shrubs have bloomed, it’s time to prune them to improve health and shape.
Keep container-grown trees and shrubs replenished with water, so they have the best chance to grow properly. It is important to keep these plants hydrated for them to continue thriving.
To ensure that perennials have a bushy, strong structure – it is advised to trim back their later flowering parts right away. This will give you an advantageous result in the long run.
Keep an eye out for black spot or powdery mildew on roses and other plants – treatment with some fungicide is essential. Don’t forget to remove and eliminate any infected foliage, as composting it can spread the disease.
Now is the time to get those summer-blooming dahlias, gladiolus, and canna lilies planted so you can enjoy their beautiful colors throughout the summer.
To ensure your strawberry fruit doesn’t touch the ground, be sure to put mulch around the base of your strawberry plants. This will provide a cushion and also prevent disease and pests from affecting them.
To make sure your roses stay healthy during the summer, remember to mulch them properly, feed regularily and prune off any dead flowers..
To ensure your vegetable plants receive the nutrients they require for optimal growth, use an All-purpose Fertilizer, 20-20-20.
Lawn & Pond

Now you can grow aquatic plants in your ponds and fountains. Planting water plants is a great way to add life to your pond and make it look more visually appealing.
Cool-season lawns only require minimal amounts of fertilizer during the summer months, as they go partially dormant when it is at its hottest.
As the temperature rises, it is a good idea to raise the blade height of your lawn mower. The trimmings left behind can serve as an organic and natural way to fertilize your grass.
Ensure that your lawn receives a minimum of one inch of water each week. To promote deep roots, thoroughly irrigate the area if you are utilizing watering systems.
It is recommended to wait until late spring when the temperature ranges between 20-23 degrees Celsius before introducing fish into your pond. This is the optimal time for them to thrive!
It’s the ideal time to plant and feed warm-season lawns, as the weather conditions now are just right.
If you want your fish to stay safe, limit their food intake to what they can finish within three minutes of waking up from hibernation. This way, you can be sure that they won’t choke on their meal.
Applying moss killer should be done when the temperatures are lower than 18C, as this is the ideal time for it to be effective.
We’ve added more water features to our collection! Decorate your outdoors with these stylish pond designs for a contemporary look.
Miscellaneous & More!

While applying slug bait, make sure to disperse it across your veggie garden – not in a single pile.
During the summer months, sprucing up houseplants and changing their environment can improve the overall appearance of your home and benefit your plants too.
Keep all the necessary items like gloves, labels, twine, plant food, pruners etc. in ready supply before commencing work. This will help you stay well prepared and avoid last minute hassle.
It is vital to change the hummingbird feeder nectar regularly, preferably every few days, as it can go bad quickly in hot conditions.
Investing in a rain barrel can be a great way to practice sustainability and save money! It’s an easy, effortless way to reduce your environmental impact as well as your expenses.
Give your compost heap a stir and add some water if it appears to be going dry.
To create a flourishing garden, it is recommended to install trellises for climbers such as clematis, tomatoes, cucumbers and pole beans.
Covering your berry bushes with netting can help keep birds from snacking on your delicious fruit and ruining your harvest. It’s an easy and effective way to protect what you’ve grown!
Ensure that birdbaths and water features are kept clean and fresh to inhibit mold and mosquito growth.
Make sure to get your fall bulbs now for a beautiful spring garden! Pre-ordering will guarantee you have all the blooms you want, right on time.
Supplementing the soil around heat or drought prone plants with extra mulch can help protect them from extreme conditions and provide much needed nutrition.
Make sure to check the compost regularly for readiness. If necessary, mix or replace with fresh compost as required.
Keep an eye on your plants for pests and diseases such as aphids, beetles, cabbage worms, hornworms and cutworms – and act accordingly if needed.