Welcome to October 2023, where the world of gardening is blooming with endless possibilities! With a wide range of tasks such as pruning, planting, and decorating, this month has something exciting for all garden enthusiasts. We have put together a helpful list of “Fall To-Do’s” to make sure you stay productive and engaged this October, just like a busy bee. Take a look and discover some exciting activities to enjoy during this autumn season.
1.) Once the leaves have fallen, it’s time to show your pond some care. Gently remove the netting and take a moment to clean the bottom of the pond. This will help maintain a healthy and beautiful environment for your aquatic friends.
2.) The ideal time to transplant shrubs or young trees to new locations is during the month of October. This timing ensures that they have enough time to establish their roots before the harsh winter weather arrives. By moving them during this period, you can provide them with the best chance of thriving in their new environment.
3.) Now is the perfect time to explore an exceptional variety of fall bulbs. At Wildwood Outdoor Living, we take pride in offering the widest selection available, both online and in-store. We encourage you to plan ahead for your garden visit, ensuring that you create the ideal growing conditions for your chosen bulbs.
4.) In October, it’s important to show care for your perennials by cutting out any diseased areas. By doing so, you can help protect the overall health of your plants. However, it’s crucial to remember not to compost these diseased parts to prevent further spreading of the disease.
5.) To ensure a healthy lawn in the spring, it’s important to lower the blade on your lawn mower and trim the grass shorter during the fall season. This simple step can help prevent issues like snow mold, a type of fungus, from forming when the weather warms up again. By taking care of your lawn now, you’re setting it up for success in the future!
6.) It’s important to continue watering your trees and shrubs until the ground freezes. This extra care will ensure that they stay nourished and healthy throughout the winter months.
7.) During this time, it would be a great idea to begin taking cuttings of fuchsias and geraniums. By doing so, you can assist your beloved plants in entering a dormant state throughout winter. This will allow them to conserve their precious energy for the upcoming spring season. It’s a gentle way to show your care and ensure their well-being.
8.) To create a safer environment around your home, it’s helpful to trim tall grass near trees and corners. This simple action can discourage small rodents from building nests and potentially causing damage.
9.) In heavy clay areas, it would be beneficial to incorporate gypsum lime and organic compost into the soil. This can help transform the clay into a more workable and fertile soil, allowing for better growth of plants and improved drainage. By making this simple adjustment, you can create conditions that promote healthy plant growth while also caring for the environment through organic methods.
10.) When it’s time to prepare your tender bulbs like dahlia, canna, and gladiola for storage, gently unearth them from the ground. It’s important to handle them with care. Once they have been dug up, carefully wrap them in a damp material to maintain their moisture levels during storage. Find a cool and dark space where you can store these bulbs until they are ready to be replanted again.
11.) To achieve a beautiful and healthy lawn during the fall and winter seasons, it’s recommended to use a lawn fertilizer with a ratio of 6-10-20. For optimal results, make sure to apply the fertilizer earlier in the month, specifically between October 1st and 15th. This will give your lawn ample time to absorb the nutrients and prepare for colder weather.
12.) Discover the delight of gardening right in your own home! Embrace the beauty and tranquility by beginning an herb garden or tending to new houseplants. It’s a wonderful way to bring nature inside and nurture your green thumb.
13.) The autumn season is filled with magical beauty, especially in October. It’s the perfect time to embrace the stunning fall decor! With all the things you’ve cultivated this year, why not consider creating something truly special? You could design a beautiful fall wreath, preserve lovely pressed flowers or even decorate pumpkins to add a touch of charm to your surroundings. The possibilities are endless and I’m sure whatever you create will be absolutely delightful!
No matter what sparks your interest, fall is a wonderful time to indulge in the joys of gardening. There are numerous tasks waiting for you that will keep you happily occupied! We wish you all the best of luck this planting season and look forward to growing with you!